
I Quit My Job...Oops?

I have been trying for a year and a half to find an elementary teaching job. I was unsuccessful and was forced to substitute teach during this time. Depression and anxiety found me and terrorized my well being. 3 weeks ago I decided enough was enough. I was at my breaking point. I had tried everything to make myself feel better. More than just searching for jobs, networking, and applying my brains out I tried to combat depression on my own. Hmmm doesn't work like that. I tried taking supplements (flaxseed oil and D3), journaling, writing poetry, yoga, talking to a friend, creating a food journal: I felt like I tried everything and had no other choice but to put my big girl panties on and talk to my doctor.

The irony is not lost on me because when you have depression you have no desire to eat or sleep or do anything so how the heck was I going to find motivation to seek help? Well, I found my breaking point and luckily getting help has been the biggest relief. I am now on medication and going to talk therapy and I feel like myself again. I feel better than I have in a long time. I am so thankful that I found the courage to reach out and get help. I don't no where I would be if I hadn't.

Feeling better, I decided that this year is going to be focused on putting my health and happiness first. I want to do more yoga and find a more consistent job. Subbing really drained me at the end of the day. I loved working with the kids but I did not feel like I belonged to a school or a community and that is why I needed to quit. Because this year I need to do anything and everything that makes me happy.

Before quitting, I spoke to my family about how I was feeling and was urged to stick it out for a few more months. At least until the end of the year. But with this new release of depression and anxiety I found the courage to make my own decision. I decided that I would be making my own decisions this year. This could be a huge mistake but the mistake had to be completely my own.

Prior to getting help I had begun training to be a kids yoga instructor. This brought me so much peace and solace in my life that I decided to pursue teaching yoga. I find happiness in reading books again. I am smiling again, more calm, and less anxious then ever before. Am I still struggling with money? Yes. Am I exactly where I want to be in my life? In a relationship? With a full time job? No, but I've made a great start and I'm happy. And being happy is really all I care about right now.

Yoga Pose for Anxiety

The Popcorn Pose is really helpful for kids who are suffering from anxiety or just have a little extra nervous energy. This pose is great to do right before a test! Start out by having the child lay down on their back. Have them curl their body in and hug their knees in tight.

When you say "pop!" they should extend their arms and legs. Curling in, and then "popping" out by extending limbs. If you are doing this with a group of kids you can go around in a circle having each child say "pop." This is a great way to build self control as well! 

How do you calm students before taking a test?

How To: Promote Your Blog

  1. Pinterest: I'm sure this has been rubbed in your face but it truly is an invaluable tool and my top source of incoming traffic. I recommend posting around 8 or 9pm or between 2 and 4pm during the week. Saturday mornings are also a popular time. Make your life easier and sign up with Pingraphy. It is an easy way to schedule your pins and it's free. 
  2. Build Relationships: with fellow bloggers in your niche. Whether you are a teacher, knitter, techie or substitute chances are there are loads more bloggers just like you. Find their blogs and comment. Strike up conversations, join them on social media- if it's meant to be you may just meet your new best friend and/or a new blog follower. 
  3. Take Turns: Reach out to other bloggers and take turns writing guest posts for each other or blogging about each others TeacherspayTeachers products. It's a win-win for both parties because your subscribers may find a new blog to follow and vice versa. 
  4. Facebook & Twitter: It is helpful to at least have one of the two. Use this as another way of reaching out to others and start by sharing your most popular posts. Be sure to retweet or Facebook other bloggers' posts as well. It is nice to recognize others and the favor just may be reciprocated. 

How do you get your blog noticed?

Quotes in the Classroom

I love quotes. I am a Pinterest hoarder of quotes both for myself and for kids. They can be really great in the classroom to motivate and inspire kids to not only do their best but to inspire their writing as well! I have used them to prompt short writing assignments when I have an extra 15 minutes to spare.
Here's what I do:

Quotes for Kids

Start by reading a quote and ask the students what they think it means. You will get a lot of generic answers like "everyone can read" or "lions can't read but here they can read." These answers will come and are expected but remind kids to dig a little deeper. Have more than one quote available too, you never know what will really "speak" to kids.

Quotes in the Classroom
After a short discussion ask kids to write their interpretation of the quote and have kids present theirs after 10-15 minutes. Most kids will take the assignment very literally but some students will surprise you with their take on things. I have done this with 4th graders but I think younger kids could handle this as well sans writing with just a discussion and the opportunity to draw and label their interpretation.

Quotes in the Classroom

If you try it out or have done this before let us know what you think in the comments below! You can find these and plenty more quote posters here.