
Here's to a Happy New School Year

As the summer progresses one pressing thought has been weighing on my mind: where will I teach?

Looking for a job as a teacher in our current economy has been a frustrating and intensely heart breaking experience. I long to have my own classroom and students that I can call my own for an entire school year. I long to build relationships with my students and co-workers. I desire a permanent home so that my students, past and present, can always find me. With all my hopes and dreams, teaching has always been my number one.

I pray that my challenges in the past will soon be rewarded. I pray that I can finally educate, inspire, and love a classroom full of students from this coming school year and every subsequent school year.

Best wishes for all my fellow educators. And may good things come to those who have waited..and waited...and waited.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. When its your time it will happen. I know how you feel. I didn't get a steady teaching position until 4 years after getting my teaching credential. Definitely continue getting any and all teaching experience possible. If you need anything let me know.

    Rayos de Kinder
