
Get a Footer and Make it Good

Or a new pair of shoes. Actually, you need both. A footer, located at the very bottom or foot of your post is highly underused in teaching blogs. Too often we are so focused on our header, other graphics and the blog posts that we neglect what is a very important feature. Why? Because it is the last thing your readers see before clicking that X in the corner. What kind of impression do you want to leave your readers with?

Get a Footer

Decide how you want the footer to help you. Do you want to...
  • Connect with Readers? Leave your social media links as a way for them to find you.
  • Get More Subscribers? Make that link easily accessible and don't be afraid to put it in more then one place on your blog.
  • Stay on Your Blog Longer? Include links to your popular posts, archives, or specialty posts. 
  • Make more money? Include an advertisement, link to your TeacherspayTeachers store, or link to your Etsy shop.
  • Declutter: My favorite! Streamline your sidebar(s) by placing links in the footer instead. 

A footer is not just for Copyright information. As vital as that is, a footer should be used wisely based on the impression you want to make and the results you want to obtain. 

How are you improving your footer? Did you even have one before reading this?

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog through Pinterest! I'm following now... you've got some great stuff here, yet your posts are short. That's something I haven't figured out how to do yet! :-)

    Keep up the great work! (I totally sound like some of the spam comments I delete with bizarre links at the end!)

    Mme Aiello @ Teaching FSL
