
WDIW: Wine and Cheese Party!

We Deserve it Wednesdays: Just because we do.

Throw a party. Because you work hard and you simply deserve it. First things first, the guest list. Bottom line is that we are only inviting the people we want to see at this moment in time. We don't always need to invite everyone, to every gathering. Feeling obligated to invite others is no picnic in the park so today brush off those guilty feelings and remind yourself that today's just not the day to invite everyone and their mother-in-law. It doesn't mean we don't love everyone it just means that intimate parties are nice once in a while.

Step two, my favorite part, is deciding what your theme will be. I would like to get into wine, or at least find a go-to wine for social gatherings so a wine and cheese tasting is the perfect solution.  In my Facebook invites (because I am a tech-savvy young thing) I invited a few friends over for wine, cheese, chocolate and bread (YUM). There was no obligation to bring anything but I did suggest bringing a party game or wine if desired.

Step 3: Fairway Shopping Center! I heard they had great cheeses and thought I would ask a salesperson to help me because as much as I love cheese, I eat Monterrey Jack, Cheddar and Vermont Sharp which I was told is boring. So I had the cheese "master" choose 4 cheeses (which he also graciously let me try prior to purchasing)  to go with white and red wine. I also bought a baguette, grapes (some I froze to serve as ice cubes in the wine), chocolate, bagel crisps, and bread sticks. A few guests brought bottles of wine and my sister bought that yummy box of chocolates in the picture.

Now, I assume you all have thrown a party before so I neglected to tell you to give at least a weeks notice, tell them the time of the party, follow up with a phone call for those that responded with an unacceptable "maybe" on my facebook invite, etc.

Finally: Party day. I love hosting so usually everything is prepared hours (sometimes days) before anyone is expected to arrive. Then I fuss over things, end up making/buying/baking extra and finally tell people to come earlier if they want because I am ready and bored. :) Anyone else like that?

The result of the party was a lot of fun (of course, because I was the hostess). We played Apples to Apples, had a little wine and cheese tasting and thoroughly enjoyed the bread and chocolate. Yum! I whole-heartedly suggest party games like Taboo, The Game of Things, and Apples to Apples. Whether you are inviting people who all know each other or a group who doesn't know anyone, they are a great ice breaker, not to mention lots of fun.

Have you thrown a party recently just because? Have a plan for your next shinding? Give us the details in the comments below. :)

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Couple of days back my best friend had organized wine and cheese party at one of San Francisco venues. She took great ideas for arrangements from an online blog. Went there with my friends and was very happy to taste tasty wine that was served along with cheese cakes.
