
Where the Heck is My Job?

When I chose was forced to become an adult I had this idea in my head that upon graduation I would fall into a beautiful serious relationship, start teaching kindergarten (or 1st grade, I’m not picky) and then, when we were both financially stable and madly in love, get engaged and start planning our wedding. Fast forward 3 years and I’m struggling to pay off my car loan, living at home, buried in job apps, on an anti-depressant and struggling to find my identity in this world. Eh.

I’ve counted my blessings, I am lucky to have supportive parents who will let me live with them and yada yada yada. But, don’t I get at least something that is supposed to happen in my 20’s? Ok the economy sucks I can’t have my dream job- give me a great guy. Or give me a great income. I’m not that choosy. Gimme something!

I didn’t think that becoming a teacher would be this difficult. I got a good education, lots of experience working and volunteering with kids, great reviews from my co-workers and supervisors…I just always thought that getting a teaching job would be easier than say being a doctor despite the economy. Or a lawyer or some other job that ends up paying a lot. My field is helping children! Our future! Don’t you want to invest in a talented and stunning teacher??? I’m right here! My hand is raised! Pick me! 

I would love to hear your story. What was the life you imagined after college? How different and unexpected is it now? Where the heck is my happily ever after? And where the heck is my job?

Kids Yoga Goodie Bags

Goodie Bag Contents:
  • Small Playdough - Stress Relief
  • Bubbles - Breath Work
  • Tattoos - Fun!
  • Heart Stickers - Compassion
The stickers on the front of the bag were found on Amazon. I also included my business card. What other yoga-themed goodies would you include?

What's in My Teaching Bag?

I love to find out what everyone is carrying whether it is their teaching bag, yoga bag, or purse! I try to keep my teaching bag neat and minimal because I am prone to back pain if I don't. My teal purse is from DSW which was originally around $70, marked down to $40 and with a $10 off coupon made it $30. :)

What's in my Teaching Bag?
DSW Kelly & Katie Bag
What's in my Teaching Bag?
Keys clipped by Carabiner for easy access.
What's in my Teaching Bag?

What's in my Teaching Bag?

Here are my essentials:
  • Yes to Carrots Lip Butter
  • Tissues 
  • Advil
  • Car keys (on a Caribiner for easy retrieval) 
  • Oil Blotting Sheets
  • Wallet
  • Granola Bars & Crystal Light packets in a zip lock bag
  • Pen
  • iPhone (not shown)
  • White Folder for work papers
  • Sunglasses 

I try to store everything vertically in my bag for easy access. I also carry an Aladdin cup for water as well as a green lunch bag. What are your teaching bag essentials?